What We Can Do

Haiti has been in the news due to increased political instability and a rise in gang activity related to that instability.  

Haiti’s economy is struggling with double-digit inflation, a massive budget deficit, and two straight years of negative growth. Over half of the country is under 24 years old, and hunger was spiking even before the pandemic. The UN considered over 40% of the country – 4.6 million people – to be food insecure in Feb. 2020, an 80% rise over 2019. As one Haitian put it “How can I live without food to eat? How can I live when I don’t have access to health care?” “There are many of us living like that.”

The need for our programs in the remote rural communities that we serve is great. As overwhelming as the issues facing these communities are we see stories of success and signs of hope daily. This is what we hold on to. This is the motivating factor to remind us of what we can do. Of what we can accomplish together to make a real difference in the health and wellbeing in the communities that we serve.

We provide 400 youth participants a safe space to play and learn, health education, leadership training, literacy and nutritional support all through the power of sport. The love of soccer is what brings kids to our programs and purposeful play equips them with the tools for making good choices for their future.

We want to be a part of their successful future and we need help to achieve our objective of every child reaching their potential. Together we can provide the supplies, educational tools, programming, mentorship and a meal a day to give them a chance. A gift of $50 provides one child with one month of programing, a meal a day and critical information to protect themselves and survive during this crisis. 

Thanks to a generous gift from our Board, we have a match opportunity of up to 16k towards our spring fundraising campaign. Meaning your gift can be doubled going even further to ensure these villages are supported during these challenging times. 

There are no other organizations working in the areas we serve, and a little support goes a long way.  Donations may be made online or mailed to us by check. Together we are creating healthier more stable communities. Thank you for being a part of our team as we strive to make long lasting change for leveling the playing field.