The Top 5 Things to Know About Our New CauseVox Campaign

  1. An exceptional team of superstar volunteer fundraisers are hard at work on CauseVox to help educate kids in rural Haiti. Our goal is to change kids' lives by increasing access to education and improving quality of existing programs.
  2. The need for education in rural Haiti is extremely high. About half of Haiti's youth population - 2 million children - live in rural communities. However, about 94% of non-profit organizations after Haiti's earthquake focused exclusively on urban areas. Our goal is to reach the kids in Haiti who have no access to other non-profit, government or private services so that our limited resources make the biggest possible difference.
  3. Only 53% of adults in Haiti are literate, 50% of children enroll in primary school, and just 20% enroll in secondary school.   According to experts, like the World Literacy Foundation, basic education will improve our kids' quality of life now, and for their future families: A child born to a literate mother is 50% more likely to survive past the age of five, and adults who are functionally literate will earn 10-15% higher wages than their non-literate peers.
  4. We're on a roll! Since the incredible Jovan Julien founded our Dream Team Scholarship Program in 2010, we have supported 30 young scholars. In 2012, the Child Survival Fund generously began supporting the entire program, allowing us to keep growing. What does this mean for you? Every penny of individual donations can go straight to the kiddos in Haiti most in need.  Specifically, new donations will help us provide transportation assistance, more classroom materials, our first-ever solar lamps to help students do homework at night, and new educators and community learning spaces.
  5. By using soccer as a platform for development, GOALS is able to reach children who are left behind by conventional educational systems. Our approach stems directly from feedback from children, their parents, staff, and community leaders. Nearly a third of our players cannot afford to attend school; for these children, GOALS’ programming provides their only opportunity to engage in professionally-led educational activities.