Sharing Lessons Learned

In response to parent requests and community need we are starting a new school tutoring program for the kids in our program daily on each of our fields.

We found great candidates in the GOALS alumni including Lovinsky who had gone on from GOALS to start his own college prep course to help others attend college.

He said he used the principles he learned in GOALS to teach his students values to help them succeed. We sat down with him to ask him to share some of his thoughts -

“When I first joined GOALS, to me it was all about just playing soccer. Now, I know it is more than just soccer, it is learning the essentials to live a heather life. I see that parents understand this and that is a reason you see parents happy their kids are able to join the GOALS program.

The biggest lessons I learned from the program include the meaning of living in a community, that everyone should be treated fairly and to not judge a book by its cover.

I am thrilled to now be a part of the staff and help kids advance in the program. I want to be more involved in community development because for Haiti to become a better county there needs to be a commitment of intellectuals that will serve the country.

It was a dream of mine to return to work with GOALS. I used to continue to visit GOALS because it holds a special place in my heart. The programs taught me so many things. For example, how to live with others and give value to everyone. I could go on and on. I can say with great joy that I’m so happy to be back to help the young kids learn so they can excel in school. I believe my community will benefit from this new program.

I expect in this new role that everything will go well so that the tutor program can grow into something much bigger for the years to come.” – Lovinsky